Monday, June 6, 2011

A Character like Yours

knowing my end before I ever began,
You have molded me and made me more and more like You
with every trial and triumph,
My disappointments have made an indelible mark upon the character of who I am yet to be.
The successes have been Yours,
building in me not a self-confidence,
but a faith confidence
because each gain I made was directly from
Your Hand.

You are faithful.
And I am reminded of this each time I remember those moments--
speaking before a group of women
 for the very first time
and watching You move among them;
teaching children about
the Cross
Your sacrifice
and seeing them look for You
on the other side of the chasm created by our sins;
writing down those moments when 
You have moved in
my life
to make me more like

My past failures and my past successes
drove me
to You,
whether I knew it or not.
You orchestrate every moment of my life,
calling me to be
pressing me on to meet
who I am destined
to be,
holding me
in spite of my wrestling,
embracing me in the same arms that stretched across the beam of the cross
for me.

Show me, Lord,
show me who I am in You.
Grow me to be the spitting image of my Father
CONTINUE create in me the desire to know You, push me so I will be who You have created me to be, teach me those things I need to know in order to have the character
of Christ,
to prepare me for my date with destiny.

Don't give up on me, my Creator.
Redeem this life, this person.
Redeem me
for Your Glory!

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